211 Serving Nebraska, Iowa & Illinois
With resources in food, shelter, utility assistance, and much more,
211 is here to help you find what you are looking for.
¿Cómo podemos ayudar?
Seleccione el método que más le convenga.
Cuando llamas, una voz en directo está al otro lado, lista para ayudarte.
Lo sentimos, no pudimos encontrar ninguna publicación. Intente una búsqueda diferente.
211 Partner Programs
Explore current 211 partner programs in Nebraska and Iowa. Here, you can find up-to-date information on support services and essential programs available across your state.
A Critical Connection To Your Community
Our 211 staff are trained and accredited for keeping your directory resources updated. We also handle referrals into the communities they serve adding another layer real-world expertise and information into the database. Make sure your services are listed, and let your community know to call "211".
Impacto en nuestra comunidad.
211 connects communities with whole person help, from basic needs and transportation to legal or disaster services. By anonymously tracking what is requested and where, we are also able to an in-depth look at underserved areas and populations of need.