211 Nebraska Partner Programs
Explore our directory of current 211 partner programs in Nebraska. Here, you can find up-to-date information on support services and essential programs available across the state.
Aging & Disability Resource Center
211 is a State of Nebraska Aging and Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC). This effort is coordinated by Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services’ State Unit on Aging, through local Area Agencies on Aging, and in partnership with the disability organizations listed on the ADRC webpage.

Help Me Grow Nebraska
Help Me Grow Nebraska is a collective impact model where partner organizations come together to act as a connection point so young children can thrive. This network of community resources connects children ages 8 and younger with resources when parents have developmental, behavioral or educational concerns.
Military and Family Helpline
The Military and Family Helpline is a dedicated support service for veterans, active duty personnel and their families, powered by United Way of the Midlands’ 211 Helpline. Available 24/7/365, veterans, military members and their dependents can connect to support services for a wide range of needs including housing, mental health, financial concerns and more.

Save Our Seniors
The Nebraska Save Our Seniors program empowers Nebraskans statewide aged 60+ in overcoming hardships caused by abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. The program offers strengths-based, trauma-informed, person-centered services and referrals using a statewide circle of support that allows seniors to remain independent.
Unite Nebraska
Unite Nebraska is a coordinated care network of health and social service providers. Partners in the network are connected through Unite Us’ shared technology platform, which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address people’s social needs, and improve health across communities.